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Reading at Home

Enjoying a book with your child is a fantastic way to share adventures and experiences together, and it’s the best way to get them reading for life. Here are our tips on reading with your children.

Sharing a book is a real bonding experience and, for young children, cuddling up with a parent to read can be a special time. As you turn the pages, you can ask questions, talk about characters, ideas and events, and decide what you think together.

Reading is important, but don’t feel that you have to take on a teaching role or put pressure on your child to start to read before they are ready.   It’s great to instil a love of books and language from an early age, but most of all, be led by your child, their interests and their pace of development.​


Why is reading so important?

Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures. In fact, there’s evidence to suggest that reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.

Where can I get books suitable for my child?

Ask your child's teacher. They will be able to guide you as to what stage is best for your child and will be able to give your child some books for them to share with you at home.

You can access free e-books with Oxford Owl. Find out more here.


The Book Trust is great for suggesting books aimed at your child's reading age or specific interest. 


Your local library will also be able to help you find the right book for your child.


My child is learning phonics.  How can I help?


If your child is learning to read using a phonics approach, their teacher will be able to guide you on the best strategies to use at home.  You can find out more about the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme that we follow in school here: Read Write Inc.


The CBeebies Story Time app is a lovely way to engage younger children with stories and language.


You can find out more about reading with your child at home below and from your child's teaching team.


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