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 Our Curriculum


Our curriculum is founded upon a developmental and holistic approach. Each pupil has their own starting point and their own aspirations and these are used as the starting blocks on which to build a ‘person appropriate’ pathway.

Our curriculum is relevant, purposeful and engaging and delivered within a learning environment that stimulates creativity, challenges, motivates and is rewarding and fun. We value play as core developmental skill. 

Our Curriculum

Is relevant, purposeful and engaging and delivered within a learning environment that stimulates creativity, challenges, motivates and is rewarding and fun

Is different not differentiated. Is holistic in approach.

Encourages students to establish connections through cross curricular and contextualised learning promoting deep learning


Focuses on the four key aspects of ‘Preparation for Adulthood’


Fully promotes the development of social, moral, spiritual and cultural character of each student throughout


Develops student voice and provides opportunities for connecting with others and participative citizenship


Has the promotion of physical health, social and emotional well-being at its core


Considers all aspects of school life as learning experiences


Is built around strong and meaningful partnerships with parents/carers


Employs the support, resources and involvement of other professionals and embraces a multi-agency approach to learning

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